Electric Flashback Fundraiser

5:30 pm
Crown Room at Crystal Bay Casino
Leg warmers, teased hair and your best 80's outfit! Dance the night away to the 80's cover band, New Wave Crave, while supporting the Diamond Peak Ski Team!
Pre-party starts at 5:30 and includes heavy hors d'oeuvres, 2 drink tickets, and access to a digital live and silent auction. Band kicks off at 8pm. You must purchase a general admission ticket to gain access to the pre-party.
Both general admission and pre-party tickets are available on the Crystal Bay Club website. Add a general admission ticket to your cart at checkout, and you'll be prompted to include the pre-party option.
New Wave Crave is the high-energy 80’s tribute band that’s more 80’s than 1980! Bring the generations together to sweat the dance floor with popular songs by Madonna, The B-52’s, Cindy Lauper, The Cure + plenty more!